

Tokens refer to special strings of text used in various commands, such as hpset and setcscore. By inputting these strings of text, a player can control how their HP Bar or Custom Score looks and functions.

List of Custom Score Tokens[]

Token Effect
@level@ Displays the player's unmodified level.
@currentlevel@ Displays the player's current level.
@age@ Displays the player's age. (long form; i.e. "5 weeks 4 days 3 hours 2 minutes and 1 seconds")
@shortage@ Displays the player's age. (short form; i.e. "5w 4d 3h 2m 1s")
@hp@ Displays current HP. (numerical form; i.e. "200")
@maxhp@ Displays maximum HP. (numerical form; i.e. "200")
@meterhp@ Displays current HP. (graphical form; i.e. "[...*...]")
@percenthp@ Displays current HP. (percentage; i.e. "50%")
@sp@ Displays current SP. (numerical form; i.e. "200")
@maxsp@ Displays maximum SP. (numerical form;, i.e. "200")
@metersp@ Displays current SP. (graphical form)
@percentsp@ Displays current SP. (percentage)
@str@ Displays the player's current modified Strength.
@agi@ Displays the player's current modified Agility.

Displays the player's current modified Vitality.

@wis@ Displays the player's current modified Wisdom.
@will@ Displays the player's current modified Willpower.
@permstr@ Displays the player's current base Strength.
@permagi@ Displays the player's current base Agility.
@permvit@ Displays the player's current base Vitality.
@permwis@ Displays the player's current base Wisdom.
@permwill@ Displays the player's current base Willpower.
@name@ Displays the player's name.
@title@ Displays the player's name and title.
@vulnerable@ Displays a list of elements that the player is currently vulnerable to.
@resist@ Displays a list of elements that the player is currently resistant to.
@immune@ Displays a list of elements and status effects that the player is currently immune to.
@absorb@ Displays a list of elements that the player is currently able to absorb.
@elemattack@ Displays a list of elements and status effects that the player's standard attack inherits/inflicts.
@status@ Displays a list of status effects currently affecting the player.
@job@ Displays the player's current job.
@jlevel@ Displays the player's current job level.
@command@ Displays the player's current Primary Command.
@secondary@ Displays the player's Secondary Command.
@counter@ Displays the player's Counter Command.
@inherent@ Displays the player's Inherent Command.
@lvlsecondary@ Displays the player's Secondary Command level.
@lvlcounter@ Displays the player's Counter Command level.
@lvlinherent@ Displays the player's Inherent Command level.
@xptotal@ Displays the total number of XP gained in the current level. (numerical form; i.e. "200")
@xpfl@ Displays the total number of XP needed to gain a level from 0. (numerical form; i.e. "200")
@xptnl@ Displays the amount of XP needed to gain a level. (numerical form; i.e. "200")
@xpmeter@ Displays the amount of XP needed to gain a level. (graphical form; i.e. "[...*...]")
@xpnlpercent@ Displays the progress, in XP, toward your next level. (percentage; i.e. "50%")
@aptotal@ Displays the total number of AP gained in the current job level. (numerical form; i.e. "200")
@apfl@ Displays the amount of AP needed to gain a job level from job level 1. (numerical form; i.e. "200")
@aptnl@ Displays the amount of AP needed to gain a job level. (numerical form; i.e. "200")
@apmeter@ Displays the amount of AP needed to gain a job level. (graphical form; i.e. "[...*...]")
@apnlpercent@ Displays the progress, in AP, toward your next job level. (percentage; i.e. "50%")
@apusable@ Displays the amount of AP usable in the current job. (numerical form; i.e. "200")
@qp@ Displays the player's current amount of Quest Points.
@battlepoints@ Displays the player's current amount of Battle Arena Points.
@gold@ Displays the player's current amount of gold. (held)
@bank@ Displays the player's current amount of gold. (bank)
@totalgold@ Displays the player's current amount of gold. (total)
@rank@ Displays the player's current rank on the MUD. (numerical form; i.e. "300")
@ordinalrank@ Displays the player's current rank on the MUD. (ordinal form; i.e. "300th")
@maxrank@ Displays the total number of players on the MUD.
@bestkill@ Displays the mob name of the player's best kill.
@xpbestkill@ Displays the XP value of the player's best kill.
@worstdefeat@ Displays the mob name of the player's worst defeat.
@xpworstdefeat@ Displays the XP value of the player's worst defeat.
@room@ Displays the short description of the room the player is currently in.
Militia Tokens (only applicable to Militia members)
@platoon@ Displays the platoon that the player is currently assigned to.
@alert@ Displays the current militia alert level.
@members@ Displays the names of online players who are militia members.
Mutant Tokens (only applicable to players who are using a Mutant character)
@bottomslot@ Displays the name of the ability currently in the player's bottom slot.